Theory and practice
When we talk about historical restoration is clear that theory and practice represent common components of oneself activities.
With theory, we have results in practice, and when we have results in practice, we put in value the theory. The theory, in this case, is represented by all historical facts, scientific accepted.
The study of these historical facts has a result: an opinion. Sometimes these opinions are subjective. In terms of restoration we can talk only about objectiveness. Because only being objective, this restoration is nearly historical truth.
And if this historical truth doesn't exist, sure, we can't talk about restoration.
To be more historical possible is not easy, but combined works can bring some results. These in case in which we keep the objectiveness about we have already spoken, and if we try to eliminate personal reasons.
Thus, from theory to practice is only a step and, they, who succeed to put the theory in practice, in fact, succeeding to give a material form of their vision.
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